Room service or in-room dining is a hotel service enabling guests to choose items of food and drink for delivery to their hotel room for consumption. Room service is organised as a subdivision within the Food & Beverage Department of high-end hotel and resort properties.
Stay Happy, Stay connected with us. Our hotel understands every guests’ needs and with the growing technology era WiFi is one of the most important services that we provide. Our free WiFi internet service is available 24-hours* in lobby, meeting room, facilities and guest rooms.
Book a stay at Merlin Studios, and be greeted every morning with a mouthwatering spread of delicacies. Avail this offer every morning for the duration of your stay.
Hotel television systems. Hotel television systems (sometimes also referred to as Hotel TV) is the in-suite television content presented in hotel-rooms, other hotel environments and in the hospitality industry for in-room entertainment, as well as hospitals, assisted living, senior care and nursing homes.
For your convenience, you may choose to book in advance your transport to Merlin Studios. A driver, bearing a sign with your name on, will pick you up and will securely drive you to our hotel anytime, day or night. This is an affordable alternative to local taxi services.
In the process of washing and drying we use professional and semi-professional machines. Each piece of clothing is carefully treated with commercial products. We are equipped with products especially intended for removing stains without damaging the fabric.
We offer our guests with doctor on call services. We can call a doctor on request even at night in case any of the visitors suffers from any medical complications.
Make yourself comfortable with our wheelchair accessible rooms and emergency button. The rooms are wide for easy wheelchair access and the bathrooms are equipped with grab bars and rubber mats.
Payment at the hotel allows you to make direct payment of your reservation once you arrive at the establishment rather than through the website. This type of payment is increasingly requested by customers.
The hotel has a 24-hour power backup to ensure that our guests never have any discomfort while staying here.
The hotel garden is where guests and visitors can relax, take exercise, dine and be entertained, as well as being a potential resource for produce and flowers. It can also provide a habitat for wildlife, shade and cool in hot climates, protection from wind and, in cities, a haven from traffic fumes and dust.
Our open concept kitchens at Merlin Studios are fully equipped. Our guests enjoy our exceptional attention to detail with our kitchen amenities and choice of cutlery, dishes, small appliances and cookware that make your full service kitchen a relaxing alternative to restaurant or hotel dining.